PMO-CC® Certification
Examination Process
Choose Your Assessment Type
On registration, you can choose between the Fast-Track and the Full Assessment to get individualized feedback on your examination performance.

This is the standard examination process that will allow you to earn our prestigious PMO-CC® credential.
We will inform your final examination score results, but you will not receive individualized feedback on technical and career development opportunities.

Upgrade your examination process and get valuable feedback for your career and business.
Receive your scores and also individualized reports analyzing the more challenging areas for you in the examination process and providing suggestions for improvement, based on the experience of our global community of experienced consultants.
Click HERE to see an example.

Understand the PMO-CC® Examination Process
The PMO-CC examination process is composed of the PMO-CC Core Exam and the PMO-CC Challenge Assessment.

This is a mandatory exam. If you pass the PMO-CC Core Exam, you will earn your PMO-CC credential.
The PMO-CC Core Exam exclusively covers the "My PMO Consulting Toolbox" Core Module.
Your knowledge will be formally assessed, and your final score will determine your approval.

This is an optional assessment. Your performance in the PMO-CC Challenge Assessment does not influence obtaining your PMO-CC certificate.
PMO-CC Challenge Assessment covers the "My Career," "My Consulting Business," and "My Consulting Skills" modules.
Your knowledge will be evaluated according to your interests, and there is no pass or fail status but an individual score for each question (challenge).
Passing the PMO-CC® Core Exam
Learn more about the mandatory PMO-CC Core Exam, how it is structured and what knowledge areas are covered.
The PMO-CC Core Exam exclusively covers the content of the "PMO Consulting Toolbox" Core module, and you must be approved in this exam to earn your PMO-CC credential.
It consists of 12 situation-based essay questions, each one related to one of the 12 major topics listed below:
- Assessing the client's current situation
- Selling the PMO and the PMOVR
- Using the PMOVR in different scenarios
- Assessing Organizational Maturity
- Collecting stakeholders' expectations
- Defining PMO Functions
- Establishing the PMO processes
- Defining PMO performance indicators
- Designing the PMO team
- Assessing the PMO maturity
- Calculating the PMO ROI
- Monitoring the PMO Strategically
The PMOGA examination platform will randomly choose 12 questions for your exam, ensuring that all topics are covered and balanced in terms of difficulty level.
You must reach a minimum performance of 75% to pass the PMO-CC Core Exam.
Each exam question scores up to 100 points, for a total of 1200 points for the 12 questions. They can be scored any percentage between 100% (correct) to 0% (incorrect).
For instance, the candidate's first ten questions were scored as 80% and the remaining two as 40%, the final score is (10 x 80% + 2 x 40%) = 88%, and the candidate has been approved in the exam with a 88% performance, as the minimum performance required for approval is 75%.
It is possible to request a review of your PMO-CC Core Exam score if you pay a fee of 100 USD. This amount will be fully refunded if your score is raised after the review. If your score remains the same or is reduced, the fee will not be refunded.
Within five days of your registration, you will receive an automatic message with the link to access your exam.
The PMO-CC Core Exam is not proctored and you don’t need to schedule it in advance.
You can start your PMO-CC Core Exam at any time as long as it is completed by the 90th day of your registration.
After logging in to the PMOGA examination platform and starting your PMO-CC Core Exam, you will have 24 consecutive hours to complete your exam.
You can leave the exam and even close your browser if necessary, returning later to finish the exam, even on a different device. Just click again on the exam link received in the message to resume the exam.
Remember that the 24 consecutive hours will be counted even if you are not logged into the exam.
Consultants are expected to spend preparation time before answering their clients' questions in real life.
That way, during the 24 hours of your exam, you are allowed to check, access, and use the preparatory course material and other valuable sources of knowledge to properly prepare your answers.
Your answers must have a maximum of 150 words since we will also be testing your consultant's conciseness and objectivity.
Answer the exam questions with a short text that expresses your knowledge of the topic and the alignment of your answer with the content learned in the PMO-CC preparatory course.
Your answers will be automatically compared and verified by an advanced plagiarism tool that uses artificial intelligence.
Naturally, you are expected to have an ethical stance consistent with the high standard of professionalism required of our PMO-CC credential holders, not sharing any information about your exam in any way and not seeking information from unauthorized sources.
Essay exams are naturally more subjective. However, objective criteria will be used to score your answers.
Both the content and the form of your answer matter. You will be assessed as a consultant, so your ability to express yourself in a given situation will also be considered when reviewing your exam.
These are the criteria used in reviewing your answers:
1) Statement
This is the main criterion that can lead to losing a question's total score.
You are expected to answer each question with your technical understanding of the subject in a sentence that conveys the main point and purpose of the question.
Remember that your answer must be aligned with the technical concepts proposed in the "PMO Consulting Toolbox" Core Module.
2) Organization and Clarity
If your writing is not clear, your meaning will not reach the objective the way you would like it to. If any parts of your essay or sentences seem just a little unclear to you, you can bet that they will be unclear to other people.
3) Insight into the subject
Focus on developing a convincing and insightful interpretation or argument. Sometimes a well-organized essay does not shed much light on the subject.
4) Style
Style refers to the kinds of words and sentences you use, making you sound more convincing as a consultant.
Remember that the questions are situational, so you will have to adapt your answers to the interlocutor mentioned in the question.
Sometimes, your responses should sound like a natural conversation with your clients, as if your words are part of a real-world dialogue with them.
After completing your PMO-CC Core Exam, your answers will be carefully evaluated against the established criteria mentioned above.
Within 7 days, you will receive an email informing you of your exam score and notification of your passing or failing.
If approved, you will also receive on the same date another email with your PMO-CC digital certificate, which will be stored on the PMOGA certificate platform and registered on the blockchain, preventing any fraud action.
If you do not pass the first attempt, you can make a second attempt for a 250 USD fee. Instead, you can buy 60 USD insurance on your registration, allowing you to make a second attempt, if necessary, at no additional cost, saving 190 USD.
If you fail on the first attempt, our team will send you the appropriate instructions by email.
You will have an additional 90 days to take the second attempt exam.
If you fail a second time, a third attempt will not be allowed, and your certification process will be terminated with the status of failed. After six months, you will be able to register again and start your certification process from scratch.
One of the most relevant benefits of the innovative PMO-CC examination model is that you may receive feedback on your responses according to the chosen type of assessment: Fast-Track Assessment or Full Assessment.

(a) Exam Overall Score
Within 7 days, you will receive an email informing you of your exam score and notification of your passing or failing. If you were approved, your PMO-CC digital certificate will be sent on the same date.
(b) Detailed Performance
Within 15 days, you will receive an email with your on each of the 12 topics covered in the exam.
(c) Client Voice Report
Within 15 days, you will receive an email with the Client Voice report. It consists of specific feedback for each question simulating how your answer could be perceived or answered by your client or interlocutor in the presented scenario. This feedback does not cover the technical aspects of your answer, but it does give you a clear sense of how objective and practical you were in your writing to fulfill the purpose of the question.
(d) Reviewer's Feedback Report
Within 15 days, you will receive an email with the Reviewer Feedback report. It consists of specific feedback provided by the reviewers for each exam question. This feedback is structured in a SWOT matrix and addresses the four assessment criteria: Statement, Organization and Clarity, Insight into the subject, and Style.
Strengths: What stood out in your response and contributed to positioning you as a top-notch consultant.
Weaknesses: What made your response insufficient or inadequate to the question purpose, contributing to weakening your position as a top-notch consultant.
Opportunities: What could be better developed in your response to reinforce your position as a top-notch consultant or generate new opportunities.
Threats: What could risk your reputation as a top-notch consultant or prevent you from generating new opportunities.
(e) Mentoring Session
After receiving your reports, you will have 30 days to schedule your 90-minute Mentoring Session online with Americo Pinto, PMOGA Founder and Chair. In this session, you will:
- Review and discuss the Client Voice Report.
- Review and discuss the Reviewer Feedback Report.
- Identify critical areas for development.
- Get insights, advice, and guidance on the next steps.
Taking the PMO-CC® Challenge Assessement
Learn more about this optional assessment, which can provide you with valuable feedback for the evolution of your consulting career or business.
The PMO-CC Challenge Assessment covers the content of "My Career," My Consulting Business," and "My Consulting Skills" modules.
It is an innovative way created by the PMO Global Alliance to assess competencies and provide feedback considering the specific needs of each candidate.
Taking this assessment is optional, meaning you do not need to submit your PMO-CC Challenge Assessment or achieve a minimum score on it to obtain your PMO-CC credential.
Our goal with the PMO-CC certification is to develop and assess the broad knowledge necessary for a consultant to be successful. However, we understand that different career paths make specific topics more appropriate for some candidates than others.
For example, if you are an Internal Consultant at this point in your career, your needs will differ from other candidates who want to start their own consulting business.
The core knowledge necessary to become a PMO-CC is provided by the PMO Consulting Toolbox core module, which is the basis for the PMO-CC Core Exam.
The other three modules covered in the PMO-CC Challenge Assessment provide a valuable learning opportunity suited to your actual needs.
The PMO-CC Challenge Assessment consists of a set of situation-based “challenges” grouped by 8 essential topics:
- Planning your consulting career
- Building your personal brand
- Developing your public speaking skills
- Developing your consulting selling skills
- Business strategies for consulting firms
- Sales strategies for consulting firms
- Marketing strategies for consulting firms
- Social Media Management for consulting firms
If you choose to take the assessment, you will select between 1 and 12 challenges according to your interests and needs.
You do not need to achieve a minimum performance on this assessment, as it is not required to obtain the PMO-CC certification.
The PMO-CC Challenge Assessment is not proctored and you don’t need to schedule it in advance.
After registration, you can have immediate access to your PMO-CC Challenge Assessment on the preparation course dashboard.
The PMO-CC Challenge Assessment does not have a specified duration for its completion.
You can start and end your PMO-CC Challenge Assessment at any time during the 90 days from your registration, and you can submit it before or after completing the PMO-CC Core Exam.
You can leave the exam and even close your browser if necessary, returning later to finish the exam, even on a different device. Just click again on the assessment link to resume the exam.
You can check all your material to respond to the assessment.
Check the restrictions of each challenge regarding the number of words or the audio and video length. You must follow these instructions to ensure that your response is adequately accepted and evaluated.
Before you begin, you must accept an agreement with PMOGA regarding the confidentiality of the information you provide, the assessment content, and any feedback received, which is personal information and cannot be shared by either party.
The diversity of challenges and their purposes makes it impossible to establish objective criteria for evaluating your responses.
The scores will be determined considering the reviewers' perception of how effectively the objectives of each challenge were achieved.
Within 15 days after completing your PMO-CC Challenging Assessment, you will receive an email informing you of your assessment score.
There is no second attempt for the PMO-CC Challenge Assessment.
One of the most relevant benefits of the innovative PMO-CC examination model is that you may receive feedback on your responses according to the chosen type of assessment: Fast-Track Assessment or Full Assessment.

(a) Challenges’ Scores
Within 15 days of submitting your PMO-CC Challenge Assessment, you will receive an email informing you of your score for each challenge.
(b) Reviewers' Feedback Report
Within 15 days of submitting your PMO-CC Challenge Assessment, you will receive an email with the Reviewer Feedback report. It consists of specific feedback provided by the reviewers for each challenge. This feedback is structured in a SWOT matrix:
Strengths: What stood out in your response.
Weaknesses: What made your response insufficient or inadequate to the challenge purpose.
Opportunities: What could be better developed in your response.
Threats: How your response could risk the achievement of the challenge purpose.
(c) Mentoring Session
The 90-minute online Mentoring Session with Americo Pinto, Founder and President of PMOGA, should be scheduled only after the PMO-CC Core Exam, as it will also be part of the topics to be discussed in the session. In this session, you also will:
- Review and discuss the Reviewers' Feedback Report.
- Identify critical areas for development.
- Get insights, advice, and guidance on the next steps.